Workshops include early years, school, educator, corporate and tailored programs.
Working with a knowledge of Early Learning Framework, Lena delivers early years and playgroup music workshops that encourage belonging, being and becoming. These workshops use singing and movement to improve motor skills, confidence, connection and pre-literacy in preparation for schooling (and for fun!) Parents and siblings are also engaged in Early Years workshops as all songs and activities developed for children and parents alike.
From prep to year six, Lena’s in-school programs will engage students in their learning and improve teamwork, confidence and school engagement. She uses a variety of sequential music engagement activities, games, drumming and song writing. Working with classroom teachers, activities can be tailored to key themes and classroom learning areas to enhance student learning and connection to their education.
Lena creates and facilitates engaging arts and music workshops to empower teachers to use Arts within their own classroom. Participant feedback has shown that this has helped with behaviour management and student engagement. Through music, singing, drama and movement, educators learn how to use music and movement activities as brain breaks, for wellbeing and emotional regulation for children. Parents are welcome to attend.
Working with groups from five to twenty-five, engaging your team in rhythm, drumming, singing and movement. Over a 45 minute workshop, your team of five to 25 will work closely together as a team to build new skills and confidence using rhythm, drumming, singing and movement. Believe it or not, your team will be ready to perform a full song by the end of your session!
Lena can customise programs to suit a particular event or performance outcome. For example, working with students or the community to create a school song or song for special event. Lena can also arrange for professional sound engineers to be onsite to record your song so others can download it or you can share it as a CD.